Friday, July 16, 2010

The Quick Down and Dirty

We are exactly thirty days into our great grand Hawaii move! I will warn you, through the process of blogging which will be taking place from here on out, many explantion points will be used! They are used to indicate emphasis. Everything here in Hawaii seems to need emphasis. For example: Palm trees! Delicious asian food! Beach! Body surfing! Swimming in waterfalls! LOVE! Running! Taking out the trash. not so much, that qualifies for a simple period. You get the gist.

I think it is safe to say when we found out Chris was offered a job in Oahu we were overwhelmed with shock and so much excitement that we peed our pants. Not literally of course.....but really we just kidding..... but seriously! I shall let you believe what you want to believe, just know we were absolutely engrossed in the thought, we are going to live on an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. Think about it for a minute, HAWAII. Side note, it had been gray and rainy in Washington for the past what seemed like forty days. Hence we now live in hawaii, how the heck could we say no?

Saying yes did require signing on the dotted line with small fine print below reading: no moving expenses will be paid for. After three or four nights of "sleeping on it" we came a conclusion; the experience would mean much much more than getting rid of most all of our personal belongings! The first things we got rid of were winter clothes. So long green banana republic sweater, I loved you so much! Next came the snowboarding gear. True or false? There is snow in Hawaii and you can ski? Believe it or not, the answer is true. Never the less we sold the boards, I hope the new owners enjoy you guys as much as we did . The next 2 months or so were a blur. I became THE craigslist Hustler. I sold just about everything we owned on craigslist or to friends. The rest was dropped off at the goodwill and every time the donations man tried to give us 10 tax write off slips for the one we deserved. funny man.

The last week was spent visiting my brother Bri and his beautiful fiancé in the Seattle area, enjoying as much time with our amazing Spokompton friends, and finals for Christopher! Amazingly enough he still has a pretty solid head of hair. I was a little nervous for his blonde locks..... his hard work paid off though. He just got his diploma in the mail last week! whooo hoooo Goosey!

The day of the flight was a still haven't quit found the word for it. Needless to say it isn't every day a couple moves to Hawaii so we HAD to wear the tackiest Hawaiian get up I could find on Ebay for under 10 dollars!!!...

Not going to lie it was a much cuter and funnier idea in my head.We recieved some "specail looks" when we got of the plane. ps WE THEN OFFICIALLY LIVED IN HAWAIII!!!!!!! For all of those who know me, I am not speachless person. I couldn't say anything. I was completely wierded out. FOR THE WHOLE DAY :) Chris' coworkers picked us up from the airport and took us to the dock to pick up our car. We had timed it just right, it arrived the day before we got there. NO RENTAL!

The first day we had said we were going to check into our hotel then hit the beach. So what did we do?? Walked to the beach, picked up some snorkle gear and went snorkeling! The next 3 days we were on a serious mission to find a place to live. I won't go into too much detail. I will just leave it at this. We found a 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, and a lanai (thats hawaii for balcony) another bonus, its not in the ghetto!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! 2nd bonus dogs are allowed!!!!! seriously, it was so hard to find a place that allows dogs. 2bedroom means room for visitors. foot stomp. nudge. nudge.

Once the mission was accomplished we were able to begin to enjoy where we were living. Here are some pictures of the beach that is just a hop, skip, and a jump from our apartment. Ok like a 7 minute car ride, but still!
SOOOO This blasted blogger wont allow me to upload pictures. and I am frustrated so I will call it a day. Here are 2 videos of Yokahama Beach. We went for Chris's birthday to watch the sunset!


  1. love love love the blog idea! sounds like quite the adventure so far! can't wait to hear more about it! you'll have to put a video of your new casa...take care you 2! miss you guys!

  2. Ahh I miss you!! It is just so crazy to think how much older we are all getting and going into all these different directions. I am just glad that in about 3 weeks our worlds will be able to connect in the same place, aka, HAWAII!!! Love you doro
